I found this at an antique store. An antique store! It is from 2000 for F*@% sake. 
The game was complete and we couldn't wait to play it. The joke was on us when we found out that this game is only for the hardcore Backstreet Boys fans. The tweens dancing on the back of the box should have given us our first clue. It is also worth noting that you have to be at a slumber party to play this game.

If you make me an offer that is over $20 bucks and prove that you are the biggest fan you can have this game.
Hint: To prove that you are the biggest fan: 1. You want to buy this game 2. You can answer this sample question from one of the cards "Whose middle name is Dwaine? a) Nick b) Howie c) AJ.
Lesson: Don't buy a novelty game of this ilk unless you are a hardcore fan otherwise the joke will be on you!
The answer is b Howie.